Friday, December 31, 2004

Blogs Report on SE Asian Tsunamis

Blog reporting regarding the SE Asian tsunamis is covered by John Schwartz in the Dec. 28, 2004 Technology Page of the New York Times online at Blogs Provide Raw Details From Scene of the Disaster.

Schwartz refers particularly to BoingBoing for keeping up on blogs and sites having information on the tsunamis.

Update, January 1, 2005

For technical information and some excellent maps concerning the earthquake leading to the tsunamis,
see the pages of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

There is also a report at Nature about how the earthquake moved islands.

To read about how this giant earthquake sped up the Earth's rotation see Nature.

No Escape from Blogs

Why There's No Escaping the Blog is a "Tech Trends" article at Fortune Magazine by David Kirkpatrick and Daniel Roth.

They write in a lengthy article and one of the best on blogging that:

"According to blog search-engine and measurement firm Technorati, 23,000 new weblogs are created every day—or about one every three seconds. Each blog adds to an inescapable trend fueled by the Internet: the democratization of power and opinion. Blogs are just the latest tool that makes it harder for corporations and other institutions to control and dictate their message. An amateur media is springing up, and the smart are adapting."


"These are still the early days of blogging, and the form is still morphing. Blogs that host music and video are popping up, people are starting to blog text and photos from their phones, and sites like NewsGator, using a technology called RSS, allow people to subscribe to blogs. Plus, an arms race is building behind the scenes."

Read the whole thing.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Browse Blogs by Author's Birthday

Browse Blogs by Author's Birthday

For all of you out there interested in astrology (even if only for fun), Globe of Blogs has a feature where you can browse blogs by the author's birthday - and also by geographic location.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Blogger Database Server Problems ?

Is Blogger having server problems?

In response to our e-mail question to support regarding what appeared to be a "broken" update feature in Blogger, we today received the following reply:

"Hi there,

We have had to temporarily disable stats collection, which means that post
stats and links will not be updating correctly on your dashboard or
profile. We plan to restore this functionality in the short term but have
needed to stop collecting the information for now in order to stabilize
the database servers. We apologize for any inconvenience this problem has


Blogger Support"

When an operation the size of Google needs to "stabilize" its Blogger database servers, then naturally we are curious about the health of Google and Blogger. What goes on there? At least the bloggers should have been notified of the situation without having had to ask.

Crossposted to LawPundit

Friday, December 10, 2004

A Browsable Blog Index by Categories

A Browsable Blog Index by Categories

QuackTrack, not a name to necessarily attract a serious readership,
claims to be the "world's largest browsable blog index"

It divides the blogs into 26 main categories (with subcategories this is 1,157 catergories). The main categories are:

art, corporate, crafts, culture, drugs, education, food and drink, health and medicine, history, hobbies, Internet, law, literature, media, meta, music, news, philosophy, places, politics, religion, social, society, specialist, sports and travel.

In law, for example, 1,427 blogs in 28 subcategories are listed as of today (there is some duplication in the categories):

International Law (European Law, e.g. Law Pundit)
Legal Practice (Business Law, Conveyancing law, Elder Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, Intellectual Property Law (Copyright, DMCA, Licensing, Patent, Trademark), Mediation/Arbitration, Military Law, Tax Law)
Legal Study (Constitutional Law, Forensic Law)
National Law (UK law, US Law)
Religious Law
Tribal Law

The site is useful for browsing blogs by categories.