Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Blogging Software Compared
Blogging Software Compared
Via TVC Alert at the Virtual Chase we are directed to a blog comparison chart at Asymptomatic
and a blog comparison of:
b2Evolution, bBlog, Blosxom, Expression Engine, MovableType, Nucleus, Pivot pMachine Pro, Serendipity SPIP, .Text, TextPattern, and WordPress. Definitely worth a look.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Internet Content Testable by Google Search
Internet Content Testable by Google Search
Here are our Google Hits of May 3, 2004 for various terms selected by us.
A lot can be learned about the general content of the internet by testing it through the Google Search Engine.
Keyword Term Number of Google Hits
Google Hits May 3, 2004
for English Terms
the 5,750,000,000
of 3,830,000,000
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Here are our Google Hits of May 3, 2004 for various terms selected by us.
A lot can be learned about the general content of the internet by testing it through the Google Search Engine.
Keyword Term Number of Google Hits
Google Hits May 3, 2004
for English Terms
the 5,750,000,000
of 3,830,000,000
and 3,790,000,000
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geodetics 38
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