Saturday, December 20, 2003

The ABCs of Management

Mullings: An American Cyber-column by Rich Galen writes:

"Some of you might remember my very excellent management theory which holds that:
'A' people hire other 'A' people. 'B' people hire 'C' people.
That is, in any organization the brightest and most creative will tend to clump together. The 'A' people.
And those who are not so will also tend to clump together. The 'C' And the leader of that group will not be comfortable around 'A' people because he or she will believe that surrounding himself with weaker folks will make him look stronger by comparison.
Nothing you can say or do will dissuade a 'B' person from hiring 'C' people. And nothing will tempt an 'A' person to hire a 'B' person - or, if a 'B' person is hired, nothing will tempt the 'A' person from keeping the 'B' person around long.
And all concerned are happy with this arrangement."

Bravo. That is correct.

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